Thank you for helping Tibetan Buddhist nuns!
By empowering these dedicated women, you are helping create a new generation of teachers and leaders, so needed in these troubled, chaotic times.
Ten years ago, not a single woman held a Geshema degree, equivalent to a doctorate in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. In November 2024, another 13 nuns will graduate with this highest degree, bringing the total to 73 Geshemas!

Many people say that helping the nuns brings them happiness and is a comfort when times are tough. Thank you for bringing light and hope to the world!
But this is just the beginning of breaking this glass ceiling… We need your help to bring the nuns’ bright light to the world.
Here is our wish list for the nuns:
- Urgent Kitchen Work: Improve the kitchen ventilation and roof for the nuns at Dolma Ling so they can safely prepare food.
- Housing for Geshemas: Provide accommodation for Geshemas at Dolma Ling Nunnery so they can complete tantric studies to become fully qualified teachers.
- Shugsep Nunnery Retreat Center: Help complete the retreat center so senior nuns can enter extended retreat to deepen their realization of these ancient teachings.
- Long-Term Stability Fund: Build a strong and stable financial future for the nuns so that, whatever the future brings, the nuns can preserve their Tibetan Buddhist practices and culture.
- Sponsor a Nun: Give just $1 a day to provide education, food, clothing, shelter, and health care to a Tibetan Buddhist nun. We support over 800 nuns, and we need more sponsors!
- Classroom and Media Equipment: Help purchase classroom projectors and media equipment.
- Area of Greatest Need: To enable us to help the nuns with any urgent needs please donate to the Area of Greatest Need.
We understand you have many choices of charitable causes. But the Tibetan Nuns Project needs your help to build on this trailblazing momentum to put the nuns’ core programs on a solid, sustainable footing.
It is a sad fact that right now Tibet’s rich wisdom is primarily being preserved in exile.
Inside occupied Tibet, the Chinese government is forcing Tibetans to give up their language, religion, and culture in an attempt to eliminate their unique Buddhist civilization. In May, a nun set herself on fire and died, to protest and to call attention to this oppression.

One donor wrote, “I believe that women hold a significant place in the spiritual evolution of humankind. The Tibetan Nuns Project represents a balanced and nurturing effort to bring world peace to fruition.”
Your donation today will foster a generation of educated and empowered women. It is an investment in humanity!
Thank you for your generosity toward the nuns! You are the heart of our work.
P.S. The nuns and the nunneries you support with your donations are a beacon of hope for the future. Thank you for giving!
Please consider a gift in your will to the Tibetan Nuns Project.