The nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute have been experiencing serious problems because the underground water pipes installed during construction in 2008 have become severely corroded and are leaking. This is impacting the supply to the buildings and causing dampness in the walls of the nuns’ rooms next to the bathrooms.
To try to rectify the problems, the nuns and the Khenpo (abbot) have been digging up the pipes in various places and fixing them by themselves. They found that even replacing broken union joints was impossible because of the corroded pipes.
In light of these problems, there is no choice but to replace the pipe system throughout the nunnery with good-quality PVC pipes and to hire some outside help. To complete the supply line to the overhead tank, the work must be done by an experienced plumber and outside workers.
Amount Needed: US $12,000
Please help the nuns repair their pipes and fix their water supply! To donate you can:
- Make a gift online
- Call our office in Seattle, US at 1-206-652-8901
- Mail your check to The Tibetan Nuns Project, 815 Seattle Boulevard South #418, Seattle, WA 98134 U.S. (note that it is for Shugsep pipes)
- Donate securities
- Leave a gift in your will to the Tibetan Nuns Project
Your gift will help:
1. Provide good-quality PVC pipes with unions, bends, and sockets
2. Pay for plumbing labour costs
3. Fund excavation and the repair of paving where necessary
4. Repair the plumbing in the teachers’ section and guesthouse