There are lots of ways to help Tibetan Buddhist nuns and provide them with education, shelter, food, medical care, clothing, and opportunities to excel. Here are a few more ideas.
Sign up for our news
We send an e-update about once a month plus a fall newsletter which you can choose to receive electronically or by mail. Your privacy is our priority and we will never sell, trade, or share your information. Sign up here.
Shop in our online store
There are many products made and blessed by the nuns such as prayer flags, malas, nun and monk dolls and much more.
Give a tribute gift
You can make a donation to the Tibetan Nuns Project in honor of your teacher or for a friend, loved one or colleague. When you make a tribute gift you can choose one of 6 beautiful tribute cards and have that card sent directly to the person being honored or sent to you.
Use Amazon Smile
If you shop on Amazon, use Amazon Smile and select the Tibetan Nuns Project as your charity of choice. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.