On October 31, 2013 nine nuns from 7 different nunneries formally completed one and a half month’s of nursing training at the Tibetan Delek Hospital in Dharamsala, India and were honoured at a special closing ceremony at the hospital.

The participants with health secretary Sonam Choephel Shosur and Mr Dawa Phunkyi, member of parliament and chief administrator of Tibetan Delek Hospital.
The training was organised by the hospital as part of its programme to improve public health. The nine nuns taking part in the training came from Dolma Ling, Gaden Choeling, Jamyang Choeling and four other nunneries.
The chief guest at the closing ceremony was Health Secretary Sonam Choephel Shosur. Speaking at the event, Mr Shosur said that this training was an innovative way of empowering Tibetan women, in line with the 14th Kashag’s three principles of unity, innovation and self-reliance.
He also said that providing basic health care training to Tibetan nuns is an effective way of creating more awareness about health and hygiene in the Tibetan monasteries and nunneries.
Mr Dawa Phunkyi, chief administrator of Delek Hospital, who is also a member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, said that the Tibetan Delek hospital has organized more than 29 such trainings over the years to train health personnels for the Tibetan community.
“We have trained more than 286 health personnels through such trainings. Most of them are now serving the Tibetan community in various clinics and hospitals across India,” he said.

Health Secretary Sonam Choephel Shosur and Mr Dawa Phunkyi, Chief administrator of Delek Hospital, presenting certificates to the participants, on 31/10/2013.
“We focussed on Tibetan nuns this time because most of the Tibetan nunneries are located in secluded areas which makes it difficult for them to visit hospitals regularly. If nurses themselves can perform these simple health procedures, it will be very helpful for them,” he said, adding that if a patient is serious, he or she should be taken to a nearby hospital.
The participants, mostly from nunneries located in distant areas around Dharamsala, were given training with emphasis on women’s health, first-aid, how to administer injections, etc.
This blog is based on a post published by the Central Tibetan Administration on October 31, 2013.
Tashi delai one day they could be nurses or even doctors how wonderful ! Healing practitioners! Om
This is SO wonderful! I hope that they continue this practice and do it for tons of other people as well.