Wow, what generosity! We have fully funded the multiple parts of this project. Thank you!
Still want to help? Please see our Current Needs page to see the projects that the nuns need help with now.
Solar Lights So the Nuns Can Be Safe and Study
In early 2021, the nuns and staff at Shugsep Nunnery asked for solar-powered lights, both for security and so they can study outside their rooms in the evening. The balconies outside the nuns’ rooms needed two solar lights each and the nuns also wanted to install lights in each of the two garden areas in front of the main temple. The road to the nunnery gate is very dark, so two solar lights on the road shall brighten the path and also help the students study at night.
We’re happy to report back that in the spring of 2021 all the solar lights were installed safely by the nuns and staff at Shugsep, without the need of outside workers, thereby keeping the nuns safe from COVID. Here’s a special blog post about the completion of this part of the project.
Dough Machine
Shugsep Nunnery and Institute is home to 76 nuns plus staff. To make bread and dumplings twice a day for close to 100 people is a challenge. In the spring of 2021, the nuns asked for help to purchase a dough-making machine to lighten the cook’s considerable workload in preparing dough for bread and Tibetan dumplings.

The nuns have requested a dough-making machine and a fridge-freezer for the kitchen at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute, home to 76 Tibetan Buddhist nuns. Photo courtesy of Brian Harris.
Thanks to you, in the summer of 2021, the nuns purchased a dough-making machine and a rice cooker, both of which have eased the workload of the nuns and their cook. “It saves a lot of time and does the job perfectly!”, exclaimed the cook while using the new dough machine. “Kneading dough was the most difficult part of the job,” he said. The nuns were concerned about his well-being and age with the arduous daily task of kneading dough so they are very happy for him and they are very grateful for your generosity.

The new dough machine in action at Shugsep as the cook prepares chapatis for 76 nuns. The cook said that kneading dough each day was the hardest part of the job. He and the nuns are extremely grateful for the dough machine.
To reduce food waste and save costs by making food last longer, the nuns also asked for help to buy a fridge/freezer. The new fridge/freezer enables the nuns to purchase food in bulk. This is very helpful for the nuns since, during the pandemic, it is not always possible to go shopping. The nuns also requested two steel shelf units for their pantry to help organize their food supplies.
In addition, the plastic chairs purchased for the dining hall 15 years ago are falling apart and it is time to replace them. The nuns want to avoid plastic and are happy to use wooden benches. The ceiling fans in the dining hall have also worn out and need replacing.
Prayer Hall Tables
The nuns at Shugsep have asked for 15 low tables for the prayer hall and 2 higher tables for the presiding masters or teachers. The office also requires a new large wooden storage unit for keeping the files.

Shugsep traces its rituals and practice to some of the most illustrious female practitioners in Tibetan history. Tables are needed in the prayer hall for the nuns and their teachers. Photo courtesy of Brian Harris.
Please help the Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep with this essential equipment and furniture!
- Make a gift online at
- Call our office in Seattle at 1-206-652-8901
- Mail a check to The Tibetan Nuns Project (for Education)
815 Seattle Boulevard South #216, Seattle, WA 98134 USA - Give a gift of securities
- Leave a gift in your will to the Tibetan Nuns Project