People from around the world have sent messages of good luck and support to the 29 nuns sitting their Geshema exams in India. The exams have taken place over the last two weeks and finish today, May 15th. The exams are the culmination of a rigorous 17-year course of study and are a landmark achievement for Tibetan women.

A photograph taken during the oral examinations of the May 2014 Geshema exams for Tibetan Buddhist nuns
Twenty-nine Tibetan Buddhist nuns from various nunneries gathered for 1 month at Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute in the Kangra Valley, near Dharamsala, northern India. During the last two weeks of April, the nuns took part in an intensive study session and then on May 1st they began their oral and written exams. This is only the second year that Geshema exams for Tibetan nuns have taken place. This year, 23 of the 29 nuns have been sitting Part 2 of the four-part exam, while 6 nuns have been taking Part 1.
Here are some of the many heartfelt messages that the nuns received via the Tibetan Nuns Project Facebook page:
Andrew from Canada wrote, “Good luck, just don’t be very nervous because you have worked so hard and you are wise and virtuous already.”
Rita from USA wrote, “I am so glad this day has come! No need to send you luck for it is your dedication and self-discipline that will bring you the success you deserve. I know you are all masters at meditation so I am confident that your minds will be clear and focused. I celebrate this day with each of you! The Buddha is smiling! ”
Ugyen, a Tibetan woman from Bhutan, said, “Best of luck !!! Very appreciative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s advocacy to change the landscape of religious education. Hope to see a lot more Geshemas.”
Colleen in Australia wrote, “Sending blessings to all participating in these exams that they may succeed in passing. Blessings also to all teachers involved with passing on their knowledge. May all children receive blessings of education, and may all beings be free from suffering.”
Barbara from New Mexico, sent this message, “Good luck, and though you are studying hard, be sure to take time to eat and sleep! All of us out here are wishing you the best!”
Marci from the USA sent these words, “We know you will all do well. Many blessings and much gratitude for your efforts, each and every one. May you attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.”
If you would like to see all the messages of good luck and support, join the Tibetan Nuns Project Facebook page.
The nuns themselves also wrote and shared letters, poems and messages of support to their sisters writing the exams.

A good luck poem written by a fellow nun and posted on the noticeboard of Dolma Ling Nunnery in support of the nuns taking their Geshema exams.