Here is a brief update on Sakya College for Nuns and slideshow from May 2021.
We are glad to inform you that everyone at the College is safe and well. The nuns and staff are carrying on with their regular routine of morning prayers, classes, debates, and self-study.
Earlier this year, it seemed as if the whirlwind of the pandemic in India had finally subsided. Many people began to return to their normal lives. But, the nuns and staff at the College stayed on guard and observed restrictions as usual.
By observing strict precautions, the nuns were able to follow their regular curriculum. The nuns completed their courses and held their annual examinations on April 29th.
Last year, because of the pandemic, the nuns were unable to take their summer vacation and had to remain at the College. This year, the nuns had been looking forward to their vacation which started on May 1st and the chance to see their families. However, because of the surge in COVID cases in India, the nuns must once again remain at the College.
Here’s a slideshow update from Sakya College for Nuns.
Since the pandemic began, the nuns and staff have been carefully following health guidelines and taking preventative measures to keep everyone safe. The nuns have stayed within the campus throughout the year except for one day. On 19 February, the 8th day of Losar or Tibetan New Year, the nuns went on a one-day pilgrimage to the sacred Buddhist Stupa at Chaneti, Haryana, about 60 miles (97 km) away. They left at around 8 am and returned to the college at around 5 pm.
So far, no member of the College has been infected with this deadly pandemic. The college has been in regular contact with the Tibetan Welfare Office in Dikiling about vaccinations for those 18 years old and older. The welfare office says that, once the vaccines are available and ready, the nuns will be informed and called for vaccination. At the moment, even the online registration is difficult. We hope that the nuns will soon be vaccinated.
This year, Lobpon Yeshe Tsering was appointed as the Khenpo (abbot) of Sakya College for Nuns. His enthronement ceremony was held on January 5, 2021 in the blessed presence of H.E. Asanga Vajra Rinpoche.

A nun offers a ceremonial white khata to the new Kenpo of Sayka College of Nuns, Lobpon Yeshe Tsering.
In 2020, the nuns learned Vipassana meditation and yoga. These practices have helped the nuns cope with the challenges of remaining on campus during these difficult times. Now the nuns are physically and mentally better equipped to manage without loneliness, depression, and so on. They continue to practice Vipassana and yoga on their own.
The nuns and everyone at Sakya College for Nuns and the Tibetan Nuns Project are extremely grateful for your support and for your kindness and compassion.
Thank you!
Here’s a slideshow from Sakya College for Nuns from December 2020.