Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

1. Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes. Tibetan Nuns Project is a 501[c]3 registered charity, so all donations are tax-deductible for US donors.

2. For Canadian Donors & Sponsors

If you wish your donation or sponsorship gifts to be tax deductible, you can give through Charitable Impact in the “Tibetan Nuns Project Giving Group” and you will receive your tax receipt from them.

For questions about giving through Charitable Impact, you can contact them directly:
Ph: 877-531-0580

When making a gift through Charitable Impact (formerly CHIMP):

  • In the dropdown menu to “share with the charity”, Please choose the option that includes both your first and last name with your gift.
    • The Charitable Impact site defaults the gift to be Anonymous, which means we don’t receive any information and are unable to connect it with your profile or sponsored nun, if you’re a sponsor. We need documentation with full name for every donation for accuracy of our records.
  • For Canadian sponsorship: Please include the word “sponsorship” in the note field. If you’re starting a new sponsorship, also include the payment schedule you are choosing (see below).
    • We realize the conversion rate fluctuates, but here is an idea of the sponsorship costs in CAD
      • Annual ($475 CAD)
      • Semi-Annual ($240 CAD twice a year)
      • Quarterly ($120 CAD four times a year)
      • Monthly ($40 CAD)

For more information on our sponsorship program visit our Sponsorship FAQ’s page.

3. What are the ways I can help the nuns?

    1. Make a gift online.
    2. Sponsor a nun for just $1 a day.
    3. Donate securities.
    4. Support on of our current needs.
    5. Leave a legacy gift to the Tibetan Nuns Project.

4. How does my money get to India?

Funds are wire transferred to the Tibetan Nuns Project in Dharamsala every quarter.

5. Why are the nuns in exile? What is the human rights situation in Tibet?

The human rights situation in Tibet is complex and shifting. It is now extremely difficult for Tibetans to escape from Tibet and many of the nuns fled to India in the late 1980s and 90s. Here are some helpful links:

6. What is the meaning of the Tibetan Nuns Project logo?hooded sweatshirt, Tibetan Nuns Project

The center of our logo is made up of the seed syllables E (pronounced “ay”) and VAM, written in an ancient Sanskrit script, which symbolize wisdom and compassion. These are surrounded by a circle of 21 TAM, the seed syllable of Tara.

There are 21 because the 21 forms of Tara are one of her most popular manifestations. The nuns have a particular affinity for Tara, the feminine embodiment of compassion and are frequently asked by the Tibetan community to perform Tara rituals on their behalf.

7. How should I dispose of prayer flags respectfully?

Tibetan tradition considers prayer flags to be holy. The flags contain sacred texts and symbols and should be treated respectfully. They should not be placed on the ground or put in the trash. When disposing of old prayer flags one should burn them so that the smoke may carry their blessings to the heavens. Do not let prayer flags touch the ground as they are burned. To learn more, read our blog post on this topic.

8. Can I study at one of the nunneries?

Lay people can always join the nunnery and study in the nunnery as day students with no accommodation. If these students wish to have their meals from the nunnery kitchen, they can do so and pay for it directly at the nunnery. Foreign national nuns who study and stay in the nunnery pay a donation of US $35 or INR 2000 per month for their accommodations and food. Only nuns are provided with accommodation in the nunnery.

9. I am interested in becoming a nun, how do I do so?

Those who wish to study Tibetan Philosophy will need an understanding of the Tibetan language. Studying at a local Tibetan Institute for a few months to a year proves beneficial for foreign nationals. Once the interviews have been conducted, nuns will provide a hair offering to a lama, start wearing robes and recite their vows.

10. Is a product purchase from your online store tax deductible?

No. Goods and services are not tax deductible.

11. How do I return something I bought in your online store?

We accept returns within 30 days of purchase for a refund, less the shipping cost. If you have questions or would like to exchange it with another item, please contact us at