Category Archives: interview

Investing in the Future of Humanity

This is a special blog post by Steve Wilhelm, a Tibetan Nuns Project board member since 2008, a dharma teacher, and editor of Northwest Dharma News.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns with His Holiness the Dalai Lama 2013

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to Tibetan Buddhist nuns from India and Nepal, after they debated in front of him during the annual inter-nunnery debate in 2013. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

When I first arrived at Dolma Ling Nunnery in 2014, on my first visit there, I heard distant shouts in the night air.

Looking east, I saw lights against the dark sky and assumed it was a soccer game or something similar somewhere just outside the nunnery. Being a curious sort I went to investigate, and to my surprise found not a lively athletic event but 40 to 50 nuns vigorously engaged in debate.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns debating at Dolma Ling Nunnery by Steve Wilhelm

Daily practice in monastic debate is critically important in traditional Tibetan Buddhist learning. Photo of Tibetan Buddhist nuns debating at Dolma Ling Nunnery by Steve Wilhelm.

Outdoors in the fall air, under metal canopies funded by donors from around the world, the nuns energetically debated subtle points about the very nature of reality. In groups of three or four, a standing nun would challenge one sitting in what was obviously brilliant repartee.

Debate practice is a central part of Buddhist practice in this tradition. In this, the nuns study a concept or text in the morning and then debate it later in the day.

A central and vivid quality of what I saw that night, and in many other encounters during this visit and a later one in 2017, was the energy and determination of the nuns.

Many times I’d encounter a nun late at night, studying under the light of an outdoor walking path light. Often they were sitting on the ground and hunched over a text, memorizing or reciting.

Two Tibetan Buddhist nuns studying together.

Two Tibetan Buddhist nuns studying together. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam.

In this way, these nuns were taking advantage of the precious opportunity they have for spiritual growth, which includes growing in the capacity to benefit others.

Investing in the Future of Humanity

It was just this dedication and the potential for these nuns to benefit many beings far into the future, which inspired me to leave a bequest for the Tibetan Nuns Project in my will.

Supporting the future of the Tibetan Nuns Project, and in turn nurturing the future of the nuns that the Tibetan Nuns Project supports, seems one of the best possible investments in the future of humanity.

The world is in a perilous condition here in 2025, with too many national leaders, almost exclusively male, filled with too much hubris around power and strength.

Steve Wilhelm and the Tibetan Buddhist nun he and his partner Ellen sponsor

Steve and Dechen, the nun he and his wife Ellen sponsor. “Dechen embodies the nuns’ promise for the future and wants to become a Geshema,” says Steve. Photos by Steve Wilhelm

By comparison, these nuns are deeply dedicated to spiritual practice, to refining themselves in a perfection of ethics, kindness, and wisdom. These are qualities deeply needed in this compromised era. These nuns will set an example, a standard, for generations to come and especially for future young people.

In addition, it simply seems that we need more women in leadership in every aspect of society, to bring more compassion into decisions of global import. The growing number of Buddhist nuns around the world is a key part of that empowerment, and the Tibetan Nuns Project has been a leader in this work.

The Tibetan Nuns Project has supported nuns in their education and their practice, and in their attaining Geshema degrees, the monastic equivalent of a doctorate degree.

A Geshema nun practicing retreat at hut at Dolma Ling photo by Steve Wilhelm

A Geshema nun practicing in a retreat hut at Dolma Ling. The Geshema degree is the highest level of training in the Gelug tradition and was only formally opened to women in 2012. Photo by Steve Wilhelm.

These Geshema degrees put the nuns on an equal footing with the most educated male monastics and empower them to teach other nuns in the future. The difference is a profound transformation, ending 1,200 years of sexist bias in which only male monastics could reach this highest level of accreditation.

Added up, these factors are why my wife Ellen and I have dedicated a portion of our legacy, in my will, to the Tibetan Nuns Project.

Tibetan Nuns Project board of directors in 2017

The Tibetan Nuns Project’s 2017 board of directors had an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the 30th anniversary celebrations. Steve is on the right.

I’ve served on the board of the Tibetan Nuns Project since 2008 because it’s been continually clear just how important this work is. Now adding a donation to the Tibetan Nuns Project as a legacy in my will means that this kindness and generosity will continue long after I am gone.

If you are so moved, please do the same. You can learn more about leaving a legacy to help the nuns here.

Creating a Legacy of a Kinder World: An Interview

Jalene Szuba joined the Tibetan Nuns Project board of directors in June 2024. A supporter of Tibetan Buddhist nuns for over half her life, she has also left a portion of her estate to the Tibetan Nuns Project to create a legacy of a kinder world. Read her story and see the extended trailer of her film about the nuns.

Jalene Szuba

Jalene Szuba is a board-certified health coach helping busy professionals master their sleep for better health. She lives in Colorado with her life love Evan and their boxer Gus.

How did you first get involved with the nuns and the Tibetan Nuns Project?

In 1996, I met the photographer, Jessica Tampas, who was involved with the Tibetan resettlement program in Chicago and we hit it off. I was interested in the Tibetan situation and was longing to visit the Tibetan refugees in India.

Jessica invited me to join her on a trip to Dharamsala in 1997 to photograph the Tibetan nuns and the Tibetan Children’s Village. I was a film major and brought my video camera to capture footage of both. I edited a few pieces when I returned to show at an exhibition Jessica had organized to raise awareness and funds for the Tibetan Nuns Project and the Tibetan Children’s Village.

archival photo 1997 of Jalene Szuba with Tibetan Buddhist nuns

Jalene (top left) with Tibetan refugee nuns in 1997. She shared, “I’ve always been an advocate for female equality and empowerment so it just made sense to support an organization that was making sure these women had the same education and opportunities as the monks.”

What is it about the Tibetan Nuns Project’s mission and work that speaks to you?

When I first met the nuns in 1997 and learned about the mission of the Tibetan Nuns Project I was struck by how historic it was. This was something that had never happened — the nuns getting a formal education with the goal of attaining higher degrees.

I was also struck by how much they had accomplished in just 10 years. I felt honored to capture the nuns as they physically carried the rocks and built Dolma Ling Nunnery with their own bare hands. I’ve always been an advocate for female equality and empowerment so it just made sense to support an organization that was making sure these women had the same education and opportunities as the monks.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns in India building a nunnery photo Jessica Tampas copy

In 1997, Jalene filmed the nuns building Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute. The nunnery is now home to over 250 nuns and is fully supported by the Tibetan Nuns Project. Photo by Jessica Tampas.

Why is this cause important?

Women give so much to the world. They deserve every opportunity as men but they also need to be educated to have confidence, respect, and opportunities. The Tibetan Nuns Project provides the education and resources for these monastic women to go out into the world and help make it a kinder place. I also believe that having women educated in Buddhism brings a new perspective to what was once a male-dominated arena.

You’ve included a legacy gift in your will to the Tibetan Nuns Project. What led you to that decision?

I’ve been supporting the organization in various ways for 27 years, that’s half my lifetime, so it made sense to me to include the Tibetan Nuns Project in my will.

“A legacy gift is important to me because I want to ensure the nuns are supported so they can carry out their mission and my ultimate goal of having a kinder world.” Jalene has returned to India many times to document the nuns’ progress. Here she is in 2017 with the Dolma Ling Media Nuns, Venerable Delek Yangdron and Venerable Delek Yangchen.

Was it difficult to include a charitable gift in your will?

Not at all. In fact, my lawyer asked me if I had any organizations I wanted to leave a legacy gift for. I opted to make it a percentage of my estate so that it won’t matter how much or how little I have, the Tibetan Nuns Project will still get something.

Why is a legacy gift important to you?

I want to ensure the nuns are supported so they can carry out their mission and my ultimate goal of having a kinder world. If my gift down the road can help make sure that happens, then it’s the least I can do. I want to know that I’ve created a legacy of my own.

Here is an 8-minute trailer of Jalene’s film Quiet Strength that tells the story of three Tibetan nuns and the historic education that converted their suffering into strength, their exile into opportunity, and their learning into transforming their lives.

What do you wish other people knew about the Tibetan Nuns Project?

It’s important to know the history, that nuns before exile did not have educational opportunities equal to men in Tibet. It was a different time and one positive that came out of their exiled situation is now there are nunneries and a formal education system for them. Now the nuns have this historic opportunity and they are making the most of it.

Jalene Szuba at Dolma Ling Nunnery

“I’ve been supporting the organization in various ways for 27 years, that’s half my lifetime, so it made sense to me to include the Tibetan Nuns Project in my will.”

Can you tell us about a personal experience with the nuns that is special to you?

I was fortunate enough to spend six weeks living in the guest house at Dolma Ling. I got to experience the nuns’ day-to-day life and a few things struck me. First, their dedication to their studies is impressive. They get up early for prayers, attend classes all day, do chores, and study. It is a full day but you never hear them complain. They are so grateful for the opportunity and are willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. There is a strong sense of self-pride and pride in the Tibetan culture.

The other thing that struck me was their support of each other. They ask each other for help in shaving their heads, they help each other study. They really want their fellow nuns to succeed. There is an air of support not competition at the nunneries. All for one and one for all is felt.

Are you interested in leaving a Legacy of Compassion?

Jalene used a lawyer to draft her will but there are also free online services. If you are interested in leaving a legacy to help the Tibetan Buddhist nuns, please contact us at and and visit our legacy page here. Our legal name and address is Tibetan Nuns Project, 815 Seattle Blvd. S. #418, Seattle, WA 98134 USA Ph: 206-652-8901 Email: Web: Tax ID number (US) 68-0327175

If you have already included a gift in your will to the Tibetan Nuns Project, please let us know and we will send you an 8×10 print of Brian Harris’s iconic “Laughing Nuns” photo that he has generously given for legacy donors. See the photo and learn more here.

A Geshema’s Journey: The Remarkable Story of Delek Wangmo

Geshema Delek Wangmo’s journey to become a Geshema, a teacher, and a role model has been long and arduous. Her remarkable life story exemplifies resilience, determination, and a deep commitment to spiritual growth, inspiring others on their paths to enlightenment.

Here is her story.

Portrait of Geshema Delek Wangmo taken at Dolma Ling Nunnery in 2022 by Olivier Adam

Portrait of Geshema Delek Wangmo now a senior nun and teacher at Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute. Photo by Olivier Adam, 2022. She did not go to school in Tibet but spent her time tending the family’s sheep, yaks, goats, and horses.

Delek Wangmo was born in 1970 into a semi-nomadic family in Detsa in Lithang province in Eastern Tibet. “My family includes my parents, one elder sister, and three younger sisters,” she said. “One of my sisters is a nun staying with me at Dolma Ling. I became a nun at the age of 15 when I received my nun’s vows from Lama Tenzin Delek of Detsa Monastery. Since our village didn’t have any schools and education opportunities I did not go to school and spent my time in Tibet tending our animals.”

A 950-Mile Pilgrimage With Prostrations

In 1989, Geshe Delek Wangmo embarked on a challenging spiritual journey with her Lama and other nuns. They made their way from Lithang to Lhasa by prostrating themselves, covering about 950 miles on a mountain road. This journey took one and a half years, reflecting her unwavering determination and dedication to her spiritual life.

Lithang nun pilgrims after escaping to India

Lithang nun pilgrims after escaping to India in 1990. Delek Wangmo was illiterate until she was 19. “I started my education on the pilgrimage. Along the way our Lama gave us teachings and I learned the Tibetan alphabet for the first time.”

“The pilgrimage was hard, as we had to cover the distance from Lithang to Lhasa by prostrations. We would do prostrations in the rain and our clothes got wet and dirty and we could not wash them out every day.”

“In spite of the hardship, I learned much from my time on the pilgrimage. I started my education on the pilgrimage. Along the way our Lama gave us teachings and I learned the Tibetan alphabet.”

“It was difficult because we had to study at night and often did not have enough light to study by. But once I learned the alphabet, the rest of my studying got much easier for me. I started memorizing prayers once I had learned to read.”


Geshema Delek Wangmo teaching at Dolma Ling in 2022. She said, “Looking back to where I started and what I have achieved now is something very special in my life. I feel satisfied and relieved now. When I fled Tibet I never expected such things in life or that I would have these kinds of opportunities in such a good place.” Photo by Olivier Adam

The pilgrimage did not turn out as planned when authorities refused the nuns permission to visit the holy city of Lhasa. “When we got near Lhasa our Rinpoche tried very hard to get passes for all of us to go into the city of Lhasa but in vain. We were told that we could not go into the city because of some big meeting there. I was very upset and angry because of all the effort our Lama had made and now it did not matter. Then we left for Shigatse, another holy city in the south, to visit Tashi Lunpo Monastery.”

Geshema Delek Wangmo teaching at Dolma Ling 2019

Delek Wangmo earned her Geshema degree in 2017 and was hired as a teacher at Dolma Ling in 2019. She says, “I would like to thank the many people who have supported me in completing my education.”

“Very soon after that the Rinpoche said that we would be going to India and that it would probably be possible to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama. That made me happy again and excited. My spirits lifted and I was ready to do whatever was necessary. The journey to Nepal and eventually to India took us about a month.”

Escape to India

In the end, in 1990 she and a large group of other nuns escaped from Tibet via Nepal. In Varanasi, she saw His Holiness the Dalai Lama and realized a dream by receiving teachings and an audience.

At the time there was a large number of nuns coming from Tibet and the few existing Tibetan Buddhist nunneries in exile were overcrowded and unable to accept many new nuns. The Tibetan Nuns Project, under the direction of Rinchen Khandro Choegyal, rented houses for the nuns to stay in and began the long process of building two new nunneries, Dolma Ling and Shugsep.

For about three years, Geshe Delek Wangmo and other nuns lived in a rental house, studying in the early morning and late evening while actively participating in the construction of their new nunnery, Dolma Ling.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns studying outdoors no classrooms

This photo from our archives shows the early days before the nuns had classrooms. They studied in the open air or tents and helped with the construction of Dolma Ling Nunnery.

“The living conditions were not so good in the beginning. We lived in overcrowded rooms and the study program wasn’t so well organized because, during that time, the number of new nuns coming from Tibet increased every month. Slowly things improved. The construction of the present Dolma Ling Nunnery began in 1993 and we moved into our new housing block in October 1994.”

Life and Accomplishments at Dolma Ling

At last, thanks to the generosity of Tibetan Nuns Project donors and the hard work of the nuns themselves, the nuns had proper housing, a kitchen, and a prayer hall. With the establishment of the new facility, they could follow a structured education curriculum, leading to higher degrees.

In 2012, the Geshema degree was only formally opened to women. Comparable to a doctorate in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, it is the highest level of training in the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism. The Geshema degree is the same as the Geshe degree for monks. The ending “ma” marks it as referring to a woman. Delek Wangmo earned her Geshema degree in 2017.

Geshema Delek Wangmo teaching TCV students about monastic debate Sept 2023

Geshema Delek Wangmo teaching Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) students about monastic debate in September 2023. She is a role model for other nuns and the Tibetan community.

Geshema Delek Wangmo’s educational journey in India has spanned 23 years including 18 years of dedicated study and four years of rigorous examinations to attain the prestigious Geshema degree and an additional one-year Tantric studies program at Gyuto Tantric University.

Geshema Delek Wangmo and Geshema Tenzin Kunsel teaching Gurukul program June 2023

In June 2023, Geshema Delek Wangmo and Geshema Tenzin Kunsel spoke to Indian students during the 27th annual Gurukul program which seeks to revive the centuries-old relationship of exchange of ideas between Indians and Tibetans.

Since 2019, Geshe Delek Wangmo has been sharing her profound wisdom and teachings at Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute. Her life story exemplifies resilience, determination, and a deep commitment to spiritual growth, inspiring others on their paths to enlightenment.

Geshema Delek Wangmo sworn in as election commissioner copy

Geshema Delek Wangmo made history in 2020 when she was appointed as an election commissioner by the members of the Standing Committee of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile to ensure free and fair elections. Photo by Tenzin Phende/CTA

Reflections on the Geshema Path

The main reason Geshe Delek Wangmo escaped from Tibet was the inability to receive a proper spiritual education. Her commitment has never wavered. Having the opportunity to receive an education and become a Geshema is a dream come true for her and her sister nuns.

“Getting this degree after years of intense study of philosophical texts has given the nuns new energy to study even harder, as well as encouraged us to uphold the academic values His Holiness the Dalai Lama always emphasizes. It is the path that will lead us to work independently and become recognized as philosophy teachers within as well as outside the community.”

Geshema Delek Wangmo teaching May 2023

Geshema Delek Wangmo teaching on the Four Noble Truths in May 2023.

“When I told my parents that I completed the study they were very happy and cried. They wanted me to come to meet them,” she said. “I applied for a visa but I didn’t get one. I wish to go back to Tibet and meet my parents before they pass away.”

Geshema Delek Wangmo’s list of accomplishments keeps growing. During COVID, she gave online teachings in Tibetan on keeping a peaceful mind as part of a series of talks organized by the Department of Religion and Culture of the Central Tibetan Administration.

On behalf of all the nuns, thank you for educating and empowering these brave and dedicated women like Geshema Delek Wangmo.

As one of the first Buddhist women wrote over 2,000 years ago:
A real hero
walks the Path
to its end.
Then shows others the way.

Tibetan Nuns Project Marks 35th Anniversary

To mark the 35th anniversary of the Tibetan Nuns Project in October 2022, we are re-publishing a 2001 interview with Rinchen Khando Choegyal, our Founding Director and Special Advisor. This interview was first published in our 2001 newsletter and shows how far the nuns have come thanks to your support.

Rinchen Khando Choegya is a former Minister of Education in the Tibetan Government-in-Exile and founding President of the Tibetan Women’s Association. She is married to Ngari Rinpoche, youngest brother of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. She resides in Dharamsala.

Rinchen Khando Choeygal Founding Director Tibetan Nuns Project

Rinchen Khando Choeygal, the Tibetan Nuns Project’s Founding Director and Special Advisor

What were your thoughts when you started the Tibetan Nuns Project?
When we started the Tibetan Nuns Project in 1987, I thought, “How best to look after the nuns?” Of course, the most important thing was to find them food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. It is, however, not enough to be fed and clothed. I knew nuns needed a better system of education, and that is what we have tried to focus on throughout the history of TNP.

Tibetan refugee nuns outside a tent classroom in India

An archival photo outside a tent classroom in India. Traditionally, Buddhist nuns have not had the same access to education as monks. TNP created a groundbreaking education system aimed at both preserving Tibetan culture and empowering the nuns to live and become leaders in the modern world.

Upon arriving in Dharamsala, 99% of the nuns could neither read nor write. They appeared to be strong young women, but in the classroom it was as if they were in kindergarten. Now there are nuns at both Dolma Ling and Shugsep who are beginning advanced studies. Eventually I hope that the Dolma Ling Institute for Higher Learning will be a place where both nuns and lay women can receive the finest advanced studies in all of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

Why is it important for nuns to be well educated?
After His Holiness came to India, he put the education of children, not just boys, on top of his priority list. So, today in the Tibetan community the young men and women are equally educated. Traditionally in Tibet there has been a very profound system of monastic education which was, however, restricted to monks. Women who decided to become nuns focused mainly on learning prayers and how to read and write Tibetan. Now that education in the lay community has become equal between men and women, I personally feel that we must restructure the nuns’ education in order to stay true to His Holiness’ vision. It is important for this vision of equality to trickle down into all parts of society.

Rinchen Khando Choegyal congratulates Geshemas at historic Geshema graduation ceremony in 2016

Rinchen Khando Choegyal, director of Tibetan Nuns Project congratulating one of the Rinchen Khando Choegyal congratulates Geshemas at the historic graduation ceremony in 2016. The Geshema degree is the highest level of training in the Gelugpa tradition and is equivalent to a PhD in Tibetan Buddhism. This degree was only formally opened to women in 2012. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam.

So the key is to educate the nuns in a system through which they can study at as high a level as they need to. Luckily, we have full support for this vision from His Holiness and from the Department of Religious and Cultural Affairs. Now the question is, what is the best way to implement this system for the nuns?

My main vision for the Tibetan Nuns Project is an education that will enable the nuns to think for themselves, to learn deeper values like: what is most meaningful at the end of your life? It will not be easy because they are not used to thinking for themselves or thinking highly of themselves.

Do the nuns receive the same education as monks?
In principle, the monks’ education is the same as the education we have implemented at our nunneries. The only difference (and this is changing at the monasteries now, too) is that a traditional monastic education teaches only Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan reading and writing. We also teach the nuns other subjects – English, history, math.

Again, we are trying to implement the vision of His Holiness, who has stressed the importance of learning these things.

Rinchen Khando Choegyal congratulates one of the 20 Geshemas in 2016, Olivier Adam

Rinchen Khando Choegyal congratulates one of the 20 Geshemas in 2016. Photo by Olivier Adam

What is the role of women’s education in current Tibetan society?
Education is very, very important for any community. Women are particularly important because through them the whole community can be educated (whether they are mothers and wives or nuns teaching in the community). Also, spiritual values are precious to everyone — mothers as well as nuns. There is a terrible lack of opportunity for lay women to engage in spiritual study right now. If a lay woman is able to study, she will be able to affect her whole family. Eventually, some percentage of admission to the Institute for Higher Learning will be reserved for lay women.

Why is the Institute for Higher Learning a non-sectarian institution?
The main reason is that I feel that all the different traditions of Tibetan Buddhism boil down to the same thing, the same message from the Buddha. We are so used to belonging to one tradition or another. This can cause division as religion often does. I have the deepest respect for all traditions. I want the nuns to learn all of the traditions in order for them to get a richer education. All of the different traditions really help you in different ways to reach a high level.

a collage of some of the many self-sufficiency projects at Dolma Ling Nunnery

A primary goal of the Tibetan Nuns Project is to help the nuns achieve more self-sufficiency through education, skill building, and income-generating projects. Here are some of the many self-sufficiency projects including tofu making, the annual calendar, prayer flags, and pujas.

Will the nuns develop “self-sufficiency”?

It is important for the Tibetan nation to be self-sufficient. The rest of the world has been very generous in supporting us in exile, but we need to try our best to attain self­-sufficiency. We can’t just sit back and relax and say, “How nice, we are being supported.” We have to look at these issues: who has which skills, and how can they best work together?

The purpose of life — whether  as a lay person, monk  or nun — is to  develop  yourself  as an individual and to become a useful, productive member of human society — helpful and altruistic. We have started to develop an advanced educational system for the nuns, but not all will be scholars; some nuns will need training of other kinds. All of them have something to give. I want to set up a system where they can be trained as health workers, teachers, midwives, artists, people with skills to offer the community. The nuns could even keep cows. Self-sufficiency should be stressed within each part of society, as well as within the larger society.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns and dairy cows at Dolma Ling

The nuns at Dolma Ling have now been keeping dairy cows for over 20 years as part of the nunnery’s sustainability efforts. The small herd provides milk and butter for the 261 nuns who live and study there. The dairy herd also provides manure for the nunnery’s gardens.

The basic requirements for real altruism are care and compassion. But you also need to have some skill. Not everyone can be a teacher, but everyone can develop some skills so that they can serve the community. And by doing so, the nuns will be truly living compassion. Altruism starts at home, with the person next to you. Many people care deeply about the environment, or people far away, yet don’t pay much attention to the people close to them. Even nuns can’t pray for all sentient beings and do nothing themselves. Knowing how diligent they have been at their studies, I am certain that they will be equally diligent in serving their communities when they are finished.

What do you see as the future of the Tibetan Nuns Project?
We’ve come a long way in terms of infrastructure, health, and awareness. We started Dolma Ling and Shugsep nunneries, and we also help nuns at Geden Choeling, Tilokpur and other nunneries. Over the next five years, my focus will be on the quality of the nuns’ education and administration.I want to review each and every nun and see what each nun is capable of. I want the administration to become even more efficient. But primarily Iwant to focus on the quality of the nuns’ education and to help develop them individually.

We have a long way to go in terms of fundraising. It is crucial that we build an endow­ment so that Dolma Ling’s operating expenses can become self-sufficient. Of course, we also need to complete the planned infrastructure of Dolma Ling, as well as build the new Shugsep Nunnery. On top of all this, we need to figure out the best way to incorporate the number of nuns arriving fresh from Tibet each year into our system.

Through the Tibetan Nuns Project, I would like to see that I look after all of the nuns in the Tibetan commu­nity. This is probably impossible! The Tibetan Nuns Project is currently helping more than 600 nuns and, at least, I want to see that this job is done correctly in terms of education and social work.

Since 1987, I have worked very hard to improve the lives of nuns. Although I have not received any external reward, it has given me great internal joy. I think through this project I have gained more than anybody in the world.

Tibetan Buddhist Nuns holding thank you signs

Since this interview was published in 2001, we made great progress toward our vision to educate and empower nuns of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition as teachers and leaders; and to establish, strengthen, and support educational institutions to sustain Tibetan religion and culture.

Thanks to your generosity we have: