Tibetan Buddhist Prayers or Pujas

The Power of Prayer

Buddhists believe that prayers can help relieve suffering and overcome obstacles. In Tibetan culture, it is common to request Buddhist nuns and monks to say prayers and perform spiritual ceremonies. The prayers and pujas can be for many purposes such as good health, long life, success, and to ease the journey of someone who has passed away.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns praying at Dolma Ling Nunnery

Tibetan Buddhist nuns praying at Dolma Ling Nunnery.

In challenging times when we feel helpless, sponsoring prayers and pujas brings comfort to the giver and the person receiving the blessings. Tibetans recite mantras and prayers to purify the mind, deal with negative emotions, increase merit, and invite help from the Buddha and various enlightened beings.

What is a puja?

Puja is a Sanskrit term meaning offering or worship. In Tibetan Buddhism, the word puja is used to describe a variety of ritual performances and prayers typically conducted in temples, nunneries, or monasteries.

The specific actions vary depending on the tradition but generally include chanting and reciting ritual texts to bring blessings, purify the mind, and cultivate merit. Pujas generally include offerings to show respect and reverence for Buddhas and bodhisattvas. These offerings include incense, light as butter lamps or candles, flowers, fruit, and water.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery holding sacred texts as part of a puja

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery holding sacred texts as part of a puja.

How to Sponsor a Puja by Tibetan Buddhist Nuns

You don’t have to be a Buddhist to request prayers. You can ask the Tibetan Buddhist nuns in northern India to perform prayers and pujas on your behalf.

People around the world can sponsor pujas or prayers through our Tibetan Nuns Project website. You can sponsor prayers in honor of loved ones, friends, family members, or even pets who may be suffering from obstacles, ill health, or who have passed away.

When requesting a puja or prayers from the Tibetan Nuns Project please provide information about who the prayers are to be directed to and for what purpose. The funds given to the nuns to sponsor pujas are used to purchase supplies and also help to support the nunnery as a whole.

butter lamps, Tibetan Buddhist nuns, Dolma Ling, Dharamsala, pujas, order pujas

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery prepare hundreds of butter lamps for a special puja.

A gift of prayer is something very special. As soon as we receive your request for a puja, we will send you a thank you message by email. As soon as possible after that, the nuns will email you a confirmation note and receipt to let you know that the puja has been performed.

Types of Tibetan Buddhist Pujas by the Nuns

There are many different types of prayers or pujas to choose from, ranging from offering 100 butter lamps to the elaborate “21 Praises to Tara” which includes 100,000 recitations of the Tara prayer, renowned for removing obstacles and fulfilling wishes. Here are the descriptions.

Butter Lamps Offering (Mar-me): Butter lamps are part of daily traditional Tibetan practice and are also lit for many occasions. It is common to offer butter lamps for those who are sick or have passed away (to light the path towards liberation). Butter lamps are also lit for happy occasions like birthdays and marriages, or to aid with focus and meditation. Tibetans light butter lamps on sacred days in the Tibetan Buddhist calendar, such as the 10th, 15th and 25th day of each lunar month, as well as during the holy month of Saga Dawa. This offering will provide fuel to light 100 butter lamps, which is usually butter or oil.

Tibetan Butter lamps

Tibetan nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery offer butter lamps as part of a healing puja. Photo by Brian Harris

Medicine Buddha (Men-la): This puja aids in healing physical, mental, and emotional ailments. It invokes the wisdom and blessings of the Medicine Buddha (Sang-gyay Men-la) and can also enhance and support your work if you are a medical practitioner.

Offering to Tara (Drol-chok): Tara is known as a protector who relieves physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. This elaborate offering involves creating ritual cakes called tormas and the use of musical instruments. This puja is particularly effective in removing obstacles and fulfilling wishes.

White Tara surrounded by mani stones by Heather Wardle

White Tara surrounded by mani stones. Tara is especially revered in Tibetan Buddhism and is known as the “mother of liberation”. Photo courtesy of Heather Wardle

Twenty-One Praises to Tara (Dolma-bum): Tara is believed to be a Bodhisattva of compassion and a protector who relieves physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. Each of the twenty-one emanations of Tara has her own name, special attributes, and a specific mantra with which she is associated, offering protection from various types of fears, harm, and calamities. The Praises to the 21 Taras puja protects you from fear and dangers and is renowned for removing obstacles and fulfilling wishes, especially wishes on the spiritual path. This puja includes 100,000 recitations of the “Twenty-one Praises to Tara” prayer. Due to the time-intensive nature of this prayer, it will take an average of two weeks to complete.

Here is a sound recording made by Olivier Adam of the nuns chanting the Tara Puja. Can’t hear it? Click here and scroll down.

Long Life Ritual (Nam-gyal Tse-chok): This is a prayer for longevity to the female deity, Nam-gyal-ma, one of the three buddhas of long life.

Tibetan tormas, Tibetan Buddhist nuns, Tibetan sacred arts, tormas, Tibetan ritual arts

Tibetan Buddhist nuns prepare tormas for a puja. Tormas are figures made mostly of flour and butter used in tantric rituals or as offerings. Photo courtesy of Brian Harris.

Four Hundred Offerings (Gyab-zhi): Gyab-zhi is one of the most widely practiced ceremonies in Tibetan Buddhism. The ritual involves four sets of 100 offerings: 100 butter lamps to eradicate delusion; 100 ritual cakes called tormas to overcome desires; 100 human effigies made of dough to subdue the demon of death; and 100 tsa-tsa which are stamped clay votive images to overcome tainted aggregates. The intention of the Four Hundred Offerings is to aid in overcoming inauspiciousness, disease, untimely death, and challenging supernatural forces.

Tibetan Buddhist nun holding torma

Tibetan Buddhist nun holding tormas. Photo by Olivier Adam copy

Three Pairs (Chak-sum): Chak-sum is an offering of three ritual cakes, or tormas: one to the protectors of the Buddha Dharma, another to local spirits, and a third to the suffering beings of the “Hungry Ghost Realm.” These offerings are intended to aid in the purification of negativities.

Cutting Through the Ego (Chöd – Simple): This puja aims at cutting through the hindrances or obscurations of self-cherishing thought and ignorance, the greatest obstacles on the path to enlightenment. The Chöd puja involves prayer, chanting, visualizations and the playing of Tibetan instruments such as the hand drum. It can also be effective for those who are severely ill. This puja is performed by the nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute.

Chod practice at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute

Chod practice at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute

Cutting Through Ego (Chöd – Elaborate with Tormas): The tantric practice of Chöd is effective for those who are severely ill. This elaborate version of Chöd (pronounced chö) involves the creation and offering of various ritual barley cakes called tormas. During the ritual, the nuns immerse themselves in chanting, music, prayer and visualizations. While reciting the Chöd rite the nuns are accompanied by the sound of several Tibetan instruments: the damaru or hand drum, the kangling, a reed instrument, and the large Chöd drum, which is larger than the hand drum. This puja is performed by the nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute.

Gya-thong-pa & Sung-dhu: This puja involves reading the 800-verse Perfection of Wisdom Sutra and the Collection of Dharanis. It generates great merit and helps to overcome sickness and other obstacles.

A Paradigm Shift for Tibetan Buddhist Nuns

A Paradigm Shift

Less than ten years ago, the first Tibetan Buddhist nuns made history when they graduated with the Geshema degree, equivalent to a PhD in Tibetan Buddhism.

Until 2012, the highest degree was only open to men. The 2016 Geshema graduation ceremony, presided over by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, marked a new chapter in the education of ordained Buddhist women.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama blesses the Geshema nuns who have completed their further studies in Tantric Buddhism.

This winter, His Holiness the Dalai Lama blessed the Geshema nuns who completed a one-year program in Tantric Buddhism. The laywomen are Nangsa Choedon, Director (top) and Tenzin Palkyi, Project Coordinator at the Tibetan Nuns Project in India.

Their success fulfilled a longstanding wish of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the patron of the Tibetan Nuns Project. It was even more remarkable because some of the nuns were illiterate when they escaped from Tibet.

Since those first 20 nuns stepped across the stage to make history, many nuns have followed in their footsteps. Last year, a record 144 nuns sat various levels of the four-year Geshemas exams and 13 graduated as Geshemas, bringing the total number of Geshemas to 73.

Geshema graduation ceremony

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the 20 Geshema graduates in 2016. Photo courtesy of OHHDL.

This change in the status and education of Tibetan Buddhist nuns would not have been possible without the steadfast generosity of our supporters. Thank you! The Geshemas are now assuming leadership and teaching roles previously closed to women.

Fifth Set of Graduates from the Tantric Studies Program

Last month, on February 19th, 2025, nine Geshemas graduated from the year-long Tantric Studies program at Gyuto Tantric University near Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute.

Here’s a charming video of the graduation made by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns. Can’t see the video? Click here.

The Tibetan Nuns Project launched the Tantric Buddhism study program in 2017 thanks to the support of generous donors. Although there have been accomplished female practitioners in Tibet’s history, women have never before been given such an opportunity to formally study Tantric Buddhism.

A Tibetan Buddhist nun receives a blessing from His Holiness the Dalai Lama Dec 2024

A Geshema receives blessings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in December 2024 after completing a one-year program in Tantric Buddhism. These women pioneers have accomplished a level of scholarship and Buddhist training that, until recently, was only open to men.

Another Step Towards Equality

The Tibetan Nuns Project has played a pivotal role in advocating for equality of access to education and higher degrees. The Tantric Buddhism program for nuns helps bring them more in line with monks for learning opportunities and advancement along the spiritual path.

Once monks attain their Geshe degree, if they want to be fully qualified masters capable of teaching their complete tradition, they must add to their knowledge an understanding of the principles of Tantra and the main Tantric practices of their tradition. For these studies, monks usually join one of the two Tantric Colleges where they have access to highly qualified teachers, texts, and a supportive community of practitioners. Until recently, these options weren’t available to nuns.

Tantric studies, Tibetan nuns, Tibetan Buddhism, Dolma Ling

For the first time in the history of Tibet, Buddhist nuns have the opportunity to formally study Tantric Buddhism. The program started in 2017 and now the fifth set of nuns has graduated. Photo courtesy of the Nuns Media Team.

The Tantric studies program for nuns began in 2017 after a committee of representatives from six nunneries approached His Holiness the Dalai Lama for advice about the curriculum and how to proceed.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama kindly gave detailed instructions about the treatises to be used and recommended that the Geshema nuns study as a group at Dolma Ling Nunnery. The first Geshemas graduated in 2019.

Tibetan Buddhist nun graduates from Tantric Buddhism Program Feb 2025

Nangsa Chodon, Director of the Tibetan Nuns Project in India, presents the degree certificate at the graduation ceremony on February 19, 2025, for the fifth group of Geshemas who completed their studies in Tantric Buddhism.

The Tantric Studies program will continue as more nuns obtain the Geshema degree. In January 2025, the Tibetan Nuns Project completed the funding for 16 rooms at Dolma Ling where the Geshemas from India and Nepal can stay while they take the program. This is an exciting development of a safe space for the nuns to stay and focus on their studies.

Building a Solid Future

The Tantric studies program for nuns is funded through our Geshema Endowment which also supports the annual Geshema exams and the Geshema graduation each November. We are extremely grateful to the 159 donors to the Geshema Endowment, including the Pema Chodron Foundation, the Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Frederick Family Foundation, and the Donaldson Charitable Trust.

Feb 2025 Graduation ceremony for Tibetan Buddhist Geshemas who completed their one-year program in Tantric Buddhism

On February 19, 2025, the fifth cohort of Geshemas graduated from their one-year program in Tantric Buddhism. Nine nuns graduated from this special program launched by the Tibetan Nuns Project in 2017.

The Tibetan Nuns Project wants to put more of its core programs on solid ground through our Long-Term Stability Fund and through encouraging supporters to leave a legacy of compassion to help the nuns.

As one supporter said, “A donation to this cause benefits beyond helping just the nuns… it benefits the Tibetan culture, it benefits refugees from Tibet, it benefits education for women, it benefits the Buddhist religion and community and all of this spreads like a ripple of compassion for others beyond that community. This is not charity; it is an investment in humanity.”

The Plumbing Crisis at Shugsep Nunnery

Happy news! The nuns’ prayers are answered! Thanks to the generosity of some donors, this big job is fully funded. We will report back as soon as possible.

Imagine if all the pipes in and around your home were leaking and you had to replace them.

This is the shocking situation facing the nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute.

The underground water pipes installed during construction in 2008 have become severely corroded, are leaking, and causing dampness in the nuns’ rooms.

Plumbing Crisis at Shugsep Nunnery Feb 2025

The nuns at Shugsep are trying to repair the leaking pipe themselves but need outside help.

The nuns and the Khenpo (abbot) have been trying to solve the problem themselves. They have been digging up the pipes in various places to try to fix them. Sadly, they have discovered that even replacing broken union joints is impossible because of the corroded pipes. They need your help!

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep repairing leaking pipes

Nuns are working hard to access and repair the pipes, but it’s a massive job. The plumbing throughout the nunnery must be replaced with good-quality PVC pipes.

In light of these problems, there is no choice but to replace the pipe system throughout the nunnery with good-quality PVC pipes. To do this big plumbing job, they need to hire outside people. To complete the supply line to the overhead tank, the work must be done by an experienced plumber and outside workers.

The total cost is $12,000.

In the meantime, the nuns are trying to find solutions to keep the plumbing system running smoothly but they need your help. Learn more and donate here.

Your gift will:
1. Provide good-quality PVC pipes with unions, bends, and sockets
2. Pay for plumbing labour costs
3. Fund the excavation and the repair of paving where necessary
4. Repair the plumbing in the teachers’ section and guesthouse

The Shugsep nuns gathered for prayers to aid with their leaking pipes and plumbing issues.

The Shugsep nuns held a special puja to pray for help with their leaking pipes and plumbing issues.

Investing in the Future of Humanity

This is a special blog post by Steve Wilhelm, a Tibetan Nuns Project board member since 2008, a dharma teacher, and editor of Northwest Dharma News.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns with His Holiness the Dalai Lama 2013

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking to Tibetan Buddhist nuns from India and Nepal, after they debated in front of him during the annual inter-nunnery debate in 2013. Photo by Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

When I first arrived at Dolma Ling Nunnery in 2014, on my first visit there, I heard distant shouts in the night air.

Looking east, I saw lights against the dark sky and assumed it was a soccer game or something similar somewhere just outside the nunnery. Being a curious sort I went to investigate, and to my surprise found not a lively athletic event but 40 to 50 nuns vigorously engaged in debate.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns debating at Dolma Ling Nunnery by Steve Wilhelm

Daily practice in monastic debate is critically important in traditional Tibetan Buddhist learning. Photo of Tibetan Buddhist nuns debating at Dolma Ling Nunnery by Steve Wilhelm.

Outdoors in the fall air, under metal canopies funded by donors from around the world, the nuns energetically debated subtle points about the very nature of reality. In groups of three or four, a standing nun would challenge one sitting in what was obviously brilliant repartee.

Debate practice is a central part of Buddhist practice in this tradition. In this, the nuns study a concept or text in the morning and then debate it later in the day.

A central and vivid quality of what I saw that night, and in many other encounters during this visit and a later one in 2017, was the energy and determination of the nuns.

Many times I’d encounter a nun late at night, studying under the light of an outdoor walking path light. Often they were sitting on the ground and hunched over a text, memorizing or reciting.

Two Tibetan Buddhist nuns studying together.

Two Tibetan Buddhist nuns studying together. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam.

In this way, these nuns were taking advantage of the precious opportunity they have for spiritual growth, which includes growing in the capacity to benefit others.

Investing in the Future of Humanity

It was just this dedication and the potential for these nuns to benefit many beings far into the future, which inspired me to leave a bequest for the Tibetan Nuns Project in my will.

Supporting the future of the Tibetan Nuns Project, and in turn nurturing the future of the nuns that the Tibetan Nuns Project supports, seems one of the best possible investments in the future of humanity.

The world is in a perilous condition here in 2025, with too many national leaders, almost exclusively male, filled with too much hubris around power and strength.

Steve Wilhelm and the Tibetan Buddhist nun he and his partner Ellen sponsor

Steve and Dechen, the nun he and his wife Ellen sponsor. “Dechen embodies the nuns’ promise for the future and wants to become a Geshema,” says Steve. Photos by Steve Wilhelm

By comparison, these nuns are deeply dedicated to spiritual practice, to refining themselves in a perfection of ethics, kindness, and wisdom. These are qualities deeply needed in this compromised era. These nuns will set an example, a standard, for generations to come and especially for future young people.

In addition, it simply seems that we need more women in leadership in every aspect of society, to bring more compassion into decisions of global import. The growing number of Buddhist nuns around the world is a key part of that empowerment, and the Tibetan Nuns Project has been a leader in this work.

The Tibetan Nuns Project has supported nuns in their education and their practice, and in their attaining Geshema degrees, the monastic equivalent of a doctorate degree.

A Geshema nun practicing retreat at hut at Dolma Ling photo by Steve Wilhelm

A Geshema nun practicing in a retreat hut at Dolma Ling. The Geshema degree is the highest level of training in the Gelug tradition and was only formally opened to women in 2012. Photo by Steve Wilhelm.

These Geshema degrees put the nuns on an equal footing with the most educated male monastics and empower them to teach other nuns in the future. The difference is a profound transformation, ending 1,200 years of sexist bias in which only male monastics could reach this highest level of accreditation.

Added up, these factors are why my wife Ellen and I have dedicated a portion of our legacy, in my will, to the Tibetan Nuns Project.

Tibetan Nuns Project board of directors in 2017

The Tibetan Nuns Project’s 2017 board of directors had an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the 30th anniversary celebrations. Steve is on the right.

I’ve served on the board of the Tibetan Nuns Project since 2008 because it’s been continually clear just how important this work is. Now adding a donation to the Tibetan Nuns Project as a legacy in my will means that this kindness and generosity will continue long after I am gone.

If you are so moved, please do the same. You can learn more about leaving a legacy to help the nuns here.

Important Tibetan Buddhist Holidays in 2025

Here is a list of important Tibetan Buddhist holidays in 2025 plus other major dates in the Tibetan calendar.

Tibetan Nuns Project 2025 calendar, Tibetan Buddhist calendary, important dates in 2025

The 2025 Tibetan Nuns Project calendar is available through our online store at tnp.org and has the Tibetan lunar calendar, ritual dates, inspirational quotes, phases of the moon, and major US and Canadian holidays. The cost is $12 and all proceeds help the nuns.

Each year, the Tibetan Nuns Project publishes a calendar with beautiful images by the nuns. By purchasing the calendar, you will help provide education, food, shelter, and health care for over 800 Tibetan Buddhist nuns living in northern India.

February 28, 2025: Losar, Tibetan New Year

Tibetan butter sculptures for Losar

The nuns at Dolma Ling make elaborate and colorful butter sculptures of flowers and Buddhist sacred symbols to decorate an offering table for Losar or Tibetan New Year. Photos by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

Losar or Tibetan New Year is a very special time of year. In the traditional Tibetan calendar, each year has an animal, an element, and a number.

This year, Losar falls on February 28, 2025. According to the Tibetan calendar, it is the start of the year of the Wood Snake 2152.

Tibetan Buddhist nun, prayer flags, hanging prayer flags
Tibetans hang new prayer flags and burn incense at Tibetan New Year. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam

The animals in the Tibetan calendar are similar to those in the Chinese zodiac and are in the following order: Mouse, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Bird, Dog, and Boar. The five elements are in this order: Wood, Fire, Earth, Iron, and Water.

Losar-related rituals fall into two distinct parts. First, Tibetans say goodbye to the old year and let go of all its negative or bad aspects. Part of this involves cleaning one’s home or room from top to bottom.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns making khapse for Tibetan New Year or Losar

Each year the nuns make lots of khapse biscuits in various shapes and sizes for Losar. These deep-fried Tibetan cookies are a staple of Tibetan New Year celebrations everywhere. Photos by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns

After that, Tibetans welcome the “Losar” or “new year” with prayers and by inviting all good, auspicious things into their homes and lives. They prepare special food such as khapse, fried biscuits, and a Losar noodle soup called guthuk. Here is a recipe for vegetarian guthuk.

At Losar, Tibetans hang new prayer flags and burn incense and fragrant juniper bows to welcome the new year. If you would like to hang Tibetan prayer flags, you can order them here. The prayer flags are made and blessed by Tibetan Buddhist nuns in India.

March 10 and March 12: Tibetan Uprising Day

Tibetans taking part in March 10th demonstrations Dharamsala

Nuns, monks, and lay people hold Tibetan flags and banners as they take part in a demonstration in Dharamsala, India to mark March 10th, Tibetan Uprising Day. Photo courtesy of the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

While not a Tibetan Buddhist holiday, March 10th is a very important date in the Tibetan calendar. 2025 marks the 66th anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising. In 1950, Chinese Communist forces invaded Tibet. On March 10, 1959, Tibetans attempted to take back their country with an uprising in Lhasa. The protests were crushed with brutal force.

Around the world on March 10th, Tibetans and their supporters remember and pay tribute to all those who have sacrificed their lives for Tibet’s struggle. An estimated one million Tibetans have perished and 98% of monasteries and nunneries were destroyed under the Chinese occupation.

March 12th, 2025 marks the 66th anniversary of the Tibetan Women’s Uprising. Following the National Uprising Day on March 10th, thousands of Tibetan women gathered in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa to demonstrate for Tibetan independence.

Read this blog post to learn more about these important dates and why Tibetans are in exile.

June 11, 2025: Saga Dawa Düchen

The most important month in the Tibetan calendar is Saga Dawa, the 4th lunar month which runs this year from May 28 to June 25th 2025. The 15th day of the 4th lunar month, the full moon day, is called Saga Dawa Düchen. Düchen means “great occasion” and this day is the holiest day of the year for Tibetan Buddhists. In 2025, Saga Dawa Düchen is on June 11th.

Saga Dawa, Saga Dawa Duchen, Important Tibetan Buddhist holidays,

Every year, during the month of Saga Dawa, over several days, the nuns at Dolma Ling Nunnery read the entire Tibetan Buddhist canon or Kangyur, the 108 volumes of the spoken words of the Buddha. Photo courtesy of the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

Saga Dawa Düchen commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni. In other Buddhist traditions, this occasion is known as Vesak or is sometimes called Buddha Day.

Saga Dawa is known as the month of merits. Tibetans believe that during this month the merits of your actions are multiplied. Tibetan Buddhists make extra effort to practice more generosity, virtue, and compassion to accumulate greater merit. On the 15th day of the month or Saga Dawa Düchen the merits of your actions are hugely increased.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns reading the kangyur for Saga Dawa

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dolma Ling read the Kangyur, the spoken words of the Buddha, during the holy month of Saga Dawa. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

July 6: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Birthday

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the patron of the Tibetan Nuns Project. He turns 90 on July 6, 2025.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday on July 6th is celebrated worldwide with happiness and prayers for his good health and long life. This year, His Holiness the Dalai Lama turns 90. To mark this special year, the Central Tibetan Administration is planning a year-long celebration beginning on 6 July 2025 and running to 5 July 2026.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Geshema nuns Dec 2024

In December 2024, His Holiness the Dalai Lama blessed the Geshema nuns who had completed their year-long Tantric study program at Gyuto Tantric University funded through our Geshema Endowment Fund.

Each year on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday, the nuns pray and make special offerings of tsok, khataks (prayer scarves), and sangsol (incense offering) to His Holiness. Here’s a blog post and video of the nuns celebrating His Holiness’s birthday in 2023.

They also celebrate with games and special food such as Tibetan momos, the steamed savory dumplings that are loved by Tibetans around the world and made on Tibetan Buddhist holidays. Here is a recipe for vegetarian momos so you can celebrate at home.

July 10, 2025: Universal Prayer Day

Tibetan Buddhist nuns, burning juniper

On Universal Prayer Day nuns burn fragrant juniper boughs like other auspicious occasions, such as Tibetan New Year and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthdaytaught. Photo by the Dolma Ling Nuns’ Media Team

Universal Prayer Day or Dzam Ling Chi Sang falls on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Tibetan Lunar calendar, so it falls in June or July.  This year it is on July 10th, just after His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday. It is a time for spiritual cleansing and Tibetans hang prayer flags and burn juniper twigs.

July 28, 2025: Buddha’s First Teaching

Called Chokhor Düchen, this important day falls on the fourth day of the sixth lunar month. This day is the third “great occasion” or düchen in the Tibetan Buddhist calendar. It celebrates the first teaching by the historical Buddha, named Siddhartha at birth and commonly known as Shakyamuni Buddha.

On this day, over 2,500 years ago, the Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths in Sarnath, shortly after attaining enlightenment in Bodh Gaya. This event is known as the “turning of the wheel of dharma”. In Theravada traditions, this event is remembered on Dhamma Day also known as Asalha Puja and is generally marked on the full moon of the eighth lunar month. To celebrate Chokhor Düchen, Tibetan Buddhists make pilgrimages to holy places, offer incense, and hang prayer flags.​​

November 11, 2025: Buddha’s Descent from Heaven

Tibetan Buddhist nun praying by Olivier Adam

Tibetan Buddhist nun praying. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam.

Another “great occasion” or düchen in the Tibetan Buddhist calendar is Lhabab Düchen. This date commemorates the Buddha’s descent from the heavenly realm, where he had gone to impart teachings to his mother, Maya Devi (or Mayadevi), who had been reborn there. She had passed away seven days after his birth. To repay her kindness and liberate her from samsara, and also to benefit the gods, Buddha spent three months teaching in the realm of the gods.

Lhabab Düchen occurs on the 22nd day of the ninth lunar month, according to the Tibetan calendar. On this day, the karmic effects of our actions are multiplied millions of times. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, people engage in virtuous activities and pray to gain merit and to mark this special occasion.

February 18, 2026: Losar (Tibetan New Year)

Tibetan Buddhist nuns offering at Losar Tibetan New Year

Tibetan Buddhist nuns offering at Losar Tibetan New Year. Photo by Olivier Adam

Losar in 2026 falls on February 18th and is the start of the Year of the Fire Horse, 2153 according to the Tibetan calendar.

Keep Track with the 2025 Tibetan Nuns Project Calendar

You can order our 2025 Tibetan Nuns Project calendar. It’s a great way to keep track of the Tibetan Buddhist holidays and all the special events throughout the year. The calendar has the dates of the Tibetan lunar calendar, Tibetan holidays, and special ritual days for Tibetan Buddhist practices. It costs $12 and your purchase helps support over 800 Tibetan Buddhist nuns and seven nunneries in India. Thank you for your support!

2024 Geshema Graduation and Inter-Nunnery Debate

Thirteen More Nuns Earn Highest Degree

In late November, 13 more Tibetan Buddhist nuns graduated with their Geshema degrees at a special convocation ceremony in Bodh Gaya, India.

The Geshema degree is the female equivalent of the Geshe degree for monks. It is the highest academic degree available in the Gelug tradition, roughly equivalent to a PhD.

2024 Geshema graduation

Nangsa Choedon of the Tibetan Nuns Project helps present the Geshema graduates with their certificates. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

The degree, once reserved for men, was only formally opened to women in 2012. The 13 new graduates are the 7th cohort of Geshemas since the degree was opened to women. The first 20 nuns graduated in 2016.

2024 Geshema Graduation and Annual Debate Event

The graduation was the culmination of the nuns’ annual inter-nunnery debate event called the Jang Gonchoe from 25th October to 27th November 2024.

Geshema graduation 2024

Flower petals mark the 2024 Geshema graduation ceremony in Bodh Gaya. The graduates hold the yellow hats that signify the holding of the degree. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

The Geshema degree enables these dedicated women to assume various leadership roles in their monastic and lay communities reserved for degree holders and previously not open to women.

receives her degree at the 2024 Geshema graduation ceremony in Bodh Gaya

One of the 13 new Geshemas receives her degree at the 2024 graduation ceremony in Bodh Gaya. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

The Geshema exams took place in the summer and a record 144 nuns took various levels of the four-year exams.

2024 Geshema exams

Collage of images from the 2024 Geshema exams.

Momentum is building and an increasing number of nuns wish to attain this highest academic standing. Many more nuns are saying in their introductory interviews that they want to pursue the rigorous 17-year training that precedes the four-year Geshema exam process.

Chart of Geshema Exams to 2024

Momentum is building! Chart of the Geshema exams since the degree was opened to women in 2012. No exams were held in 2020 or 2021 because of Covid.

They look to examples of Geshemas as teachers and leaders. They are inspired to follow in their footsteps. As of December 2024, there are 73 Geshemas.

2024 Jang Gonchoe Inter-Nunnery Debate

Throughout the year nuns practice debate daily at their nunneries. However, the Jang Gonchoe debate event provides essential training and practice that is vital for nuns who wish to pursue higher degrees.

Inter-nunnery debate 2024

In 2024, hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist nuns from India and Nepal took part in the month-long inter-nunnery debate event called the jang Gonchoe. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

Once again, hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist nuns from nunneries in India and Nepal gathered at the Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya to take part in the month-long intensive training in monastic debate.

Nuns practicing debate daily at Dolma Ling Nunnery.

Nuns practicing debate daily at Dolma Ling Nunnery. Monastic debate is of critical importance in traditional Tibetan Buddhist learning. Through debate, nuns test and consolidate their classroom learning. Photo courtesy of Olivier Adam.

Throughout the year nuns practice debate daily at their nunneries. But, the Jang Gonchoe debate event provides the training and practice that is essential for nuns who wish to pursue higher degrees.

Support Long-Term Stability

The annual Geshema exams and the inter-nunnery debate are both funded by endowments and are now self-sustaining thanks to our generous supporters.

Nuns prepare flatbreads for the hundreds of nuns taking part in the 2024 inter-nunnery debate and Geshema graduation. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

The nuns’ costs such as food and travel for month-long inter-nunnery debate are covered by the Debate Fund. Now we want to put more of our core programs on a sustainable footing with TNP’s Long-Term Stability Fund.

We are extremely grateful to the 159 donors to the Geshema Endowment, including the Pema Chodron Foundation, the Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Frederick Family Foundation, and the Donaldson Charitable Trust. We are also very grateful to all those who sponsor nuns and help them on their path.

Now we wish to put more of our core programs on a sustainable footing. To that end, we launched the Long-Term Stability Fund. Learn more and donate here.

Geshema graduation 2024

The latest Geshema grads and Nangsa Choedon of the Tibetan Nuns Project at the Geshema graduation in 2024. Photo by the Dolma Ling Media Nuns.

Remarkable Photos from the Ancient Himalayan Nunnery Dorjee Zong

High in the rugged, snowy peaks of the Indian Himalayas, where the air is thin but the spirit is strong, a quiet revolution is unfolding. At Dorjee Zong Nunnery, 19 nuns and also lay girls are defying the odds, embracing education, and transforming their futures. But they can’t do it without your support.

elderly Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar

Some of the nuns at Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar are in their 90s.

Capturing the Faces of Hope

In the spring of 2024, humanitarian photographer Bryan Watt and his partner, Dr Leila Srour, visited the nunnery where they were deeply moved by the devotion and enthusiasm they saw there.

Dorjee Zong Nunnery, Bryan Watt photographs, ancient Himalayan Nunnery

There are currently 19 Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dorjee Zong — 7 older nuns and 12 younger nuns.

Since its founding in the 14th century by Master Sherab Zangpo, Dorjee Zong Nunnery has stood as a beacon of wisdom and compassion. It is one of Zanskar’s oldest centers of monastic learning, where nuns devote their lives to meditation, prayer, and education.

Education at Dorjee Zong

In 2009, the nunnery was accepted into the Tibetan Nuns Project’s sponsorship program, which supports education for girls and women. Thank you to all our sponsors and learn about sponsoring a nun for just $1 a day here.

Young girls studying at Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar

The school is known to be the best school in the area and now educates both nuns and lay girls. When Bryan and Leila visited, 22 girls were studying there. Bryan said, “All the students are eager to learn and have ambitions to pursue their spiritual education and become teachers or doctors.”

The Tibetan Nuns Project also provides textbooks, pays for a teacher and a cook, and in 2019 began a major expansion and improvement project at the nunnery.

Outside the new building at Dorjee Zong Nunnery

The younger nuns assemble outside the new building, part of the expansion and improvement project started in 2019. The nunnery also provides education to lay girls from the surrounding area.

Girls and women from the Indian Himalayas have traditionally been given far less education than boys and men. Girls’ education is often the first thing to be sacrificed by families in poverty. Our programs provide girls a chance for education that they would not have otherwise.

Young Tibetan Buddhist nuns in Zanskar

Without support, many of these girls would not have access to education. Not all students will take nuns vows as they grow up, but the education they receive prepares them to carve out their own paths with a curriculum that teaches both Buddhist wisdom and practical knowledge.

Bryan Watt recalls, “We were told it’s the best school in the area, better than public or private schools. The children’s passion for learning was so evident. They’re eager, ambitious, and full of dreams. We were impressed with how much they knew and were learning.”

Girls learning at Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar

Bryan Watt, the photographer, said, “Not only are these girls getting a good educational background, but they’re also learning life skills and becoming confident… There’s attention paid to all aspects of their lives — how to treat each other, how to treat themselves, and so that’s a great background for them.”

Byran said, “The kids were very enthusiastic and very obedient. Maybe they were taught to be that way. They were very grateful for the food that they ate, for every activity that they were involved in. They go to school 6 days a week.”

Tibetan Buddhist nuns reading English story books in Zanskar

The girls learn four languages: the local Zanskari language which is written using the Tibetan script, Tibetan, Hindi, and English.

Every other weekend they get Saturday off so the girls from nearby can go home and see their families.

One young nun’s story stands out as a symbol of hope. “She’s so dedicated, devout, and sincere in her studies,” Bryan shared. “Her determination set a powerful example for the younger girls, and it was a joy to witness her leadership.”

One girl's quest for education.

One nun’s journey. She and her mother walked at night because it was too dangerous during the day. During the day, the heat melts the ice on the cliffs above the canyons and rocks fall. They rested in the houses of relatives and friends along the way and walked only in the cold darkness.

Young nuns and lay girls alike study four languages — Zanskari, Tibetan, Hindi, and English — and learn essential life skills alongside their spiritual education. Dorjee Zong offers nuns and young girls from the local community a special opportunity for education in a region where girls’ schooling is often sacrificed.

Young Tibetan Buddhist Nun Dorjee Zong

With your help, these girls can carve out their own futures as teachers and community leaders.

The Challenges of Daily Life

Life at this remote, 700-year-old Tibetan Buddhist nunnery is simple but challenging. The nunnery is at 12,861 feet or 3,920 metres altitude. Like the rest of Zanskar, the nunnery is virtually cut off from the rest of the world during the harsh winter months.

Nuns outside Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar

When Bryan and Leila visited in early spring 2024, the main road in Zanskar was only open in one direction and only 15 cars got through that day. Snow drifts on either side of the road were 10 feet high in places so it was like driving through a tunnel..

Inside the nunnery, basic needs like water and electricity are a daily struggle. Power is limited to one hour in the morning and three to four hours in the evening. There are solar panels but they were not working during Bryan’s visit.

Collecting dung for fuel in Zanskar

Older nuns collecting dung for fuel at the nunnery. Some rooms, like where the young nuns eat, have a little stove for heating and the new building has passive solar walls.

The new building where the young nuns and lay girls live and study is much more comfortable than the ancient nunnery up the hill where many of the older nuns live. The multi-purpose building has been designed to capture the sun’s heat during the cold winter months.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns and girls studying in the solarium of the new building at Dorjee Zong

In the new building, the girls have a warmer, more comfortable learning environment. During the coldest months, they study together in the solarium, basking in the sun’s warmth.

Water pipes sometimes freeze in the winter and must be unblocked.

Life at Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar washing faces and brushing teeth

Bryan said, “In the morning, it was still cold for the children to wash their faces and brush their teeth.”

The nuns are hardy. They wash their faces and hands from a bucket of water outside, even on frigid mornings. The children take showers on Sundays outside and they have a solar water heater. Once a week, the children wash their own clothes by hand in a bucket of cold water but they don’t complain.

Life at Dorjee Zong Nunnery. Young Tibetan Buddhist nun washes her dish outside in cold water

Life at Dorjee Zong Nunnery. A young Tibetan Buddhist nun scrubs her bowl clean outside using sand and cold water.

Three Vegetarian Meals a Day

The girls and women at Dorjee Zong have a nutritious diet and three meals a day. While the meals can be repetitive, especially in winter when there is limited access to fresh fruit and a wide variety of vegetables.

Inside Dorjee Zong Nunnery in Zanskar

Thank you to those who sponsor nuns and provide food, shelter, clothing, education, and health care. We need more sponsors for nuns in India and the cost is just $1 a day.

Zanskar is sometimes called “Little Tibet”. The food there includes traditional Tibetan dishes like thukpa and thenthuk (noodle soups), tsampa (barley flour mixed with butter tea), and momos. The girls love eating chapatis.

Bryan said, “I never saw a bowl that still had food in it. In fact, they pretty much licked them. They did lick them fully because they also had to wash them.”

Thank you again to everyone who supports the Tibetan Nuns Project mission: To educate and empower nuns of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition as teachers and leaders; and to establish, strengthen, and support educational institutions to sustain Tibetan religion and culture.

Young Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dorjee Zong in Zanskar

Young Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dorjee Zong in Zanskar adjust their robes.

These girls are not just students — they are changemakers in the making. With your help, they will grow into women who can inspire, teach, and uplift their communities. By supporting their education, you are investing in generational change.

For more of Bryan Watt’s beautiful photos from Dorjee Zong see his video slideshow here.

Young Tibetan Buddhist nuns in Zanskar by Bryan Watt

Gratitude to Bryan and Leila

Brighten Your Day With Two Slideshows from Dolma Ling Nunnery

To brighten your day and to convey the impact of your support, here are two slideshows with the latest photos from Dolma Ling Nunnery and Institute. The photos were taken from June to October 2024 by the Dolma Ling media nuns.

First Slideshow: Snapshots of Education at Dolma Ling

In October, dozens of nuns departed by bus for the holy city of Bodh Gaya to take part in the month-long inter-nunnery debate. The debate event runs from October 25th to November 27th 2024 and, at the conclusion, 13 more nuns will graduate with their Geshema degree, including one from Dolma Ling.

Debating has a vital role in monastic education and the nuns practice debate daily. Each year in September, students from the Tibetan Children’s Village in Dharamsala come to the nunnery to learn about monastic debate and to practice debating with the nuns.

Can’t see the slideshow? Click here.

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Opening up education to women and girls, particularly in conjunction with training in debate, has been transformative for the nuns. Your support gives them access to the full intellectual richness of their Buddhist tradition. Even the youngest nuns are gaining confidence and experience and they can look to the Geshema nuns as role models. This fall there was a reading competition for the young nuns plus the annual nunnery quiz competition held in the nunnery courtyard. It is always a fun event.

The nuns take classes in many subjects including Tibetan, Buddhist philosophy, English, math, and science. The academic year begins in early spring after Losar, the Tibetan New Year. Throughout the year, the nuns have exams and quizzes as they pursue their degrees. One of our current projects is to purchase two new classroom projectors and essential media equipment. Another is to make kitchen repairs at Dolma Ling.

Second Slideshow of Life at Dolma Ling

In this second slideshow, you can see snapshots of daily life at Dolma Ling including the nuns praying, making offerings, and doing chores, and cooking. There are also photos of the nuns celebrating His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday. Each year, the nuns celebrate with prayers, an essay-writing day, and their annual flower competition.

Can’t see the slideshow? Click here.

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The Tibetan Nuns Project established Dolma Ling to educate and empower nuns of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition as teachers and leaders, and to sustain Tibetan religion and culture. The Tibetan Nuns Project aims to elevate the educational standards and the position of women within the monastic community.

Dolma Ling is the first institute dedicated to higher Buddhist education for Tibetan Buddhist nuns from all traditions. Currently, there are about 270 nuns at Dolma Ling. We are deeply grateful to those who sponsor nuns. More sponsors are always needed.

Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors and supporters! We hope that these photos brightened your day.

Results Announced for the 2024 Geshema Exams

Record Number of Nuns Take 2024 Geshema Exams

The 2024 Geshema exam results are in! During the summer a record number of Tibetan Buddhist nuns took various levels of the four-year exams for the Geshema degree. Of the 144 nuns, 123 passed which is an 85% pass rate. All 13 nuns who took their fourth and final year of exams passed.

Geshema exam results 2024, geshema exams

Nuns gather eagerly around the noticeboard at Dolma Ling Nunnery to read the results of the 2024 Geshema exams.

The Geshema degree is the highest level of training in the Gelugpa tradition and is equivalent to a PhD in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. It is the same as the Geshe degree for monks but the ending “ma” marks it as referring to a woman. Until recently, this degree was reserved for men. It was only formally opened to women in 2012. This is a breakthrough for Tibetan Buddhist nuns’ education.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns taking Geshema Exams in 2024

Nuns taking Geshema exams in 2024.

The 2024 Geshema exams were held from July 21st to August 15th at Jangchub Choeling Nunnery in Mundgod, South India. In an earlier blog we stated that 147 nuns were planning on taking exams in 2024, but several were unable to take part. The actual number was 144 — a new record.

Nuns from seven nunneries in India and Nepal took the exams as follows:
1st-year exams: 46 nuns, 30 passed
2nd year: 35 nuns took exams, 30 passed
3rd year: 50 nuns took exams, all 50 passed
4th and final year: 13 nuns took exams, all 13 passed


Geshema exam stats graph - 1

There has been a dramatic increase in nuns taking their Geshema exams. No exams were held in 2020 and 2021 because of the COVID pandemic.

The formal graduation ceremony for the 13 new Geshemas will occur in November 2024 after the annual inter-nunnery debate in Bodh Gaya. This will bring the total number of Geshemas to 73.

Here’s a list of the Geshema graduations since women were first allowed to take this degree in 2012:

The Geshemas are paving the way for other nuns to follow in their footsteps and the momentum is building. Not long ago, this increased status of nuns was almost unimaginable and we are so grateful for your support to educate and empower these dedicated women!

2024 Geshema exams results

More photos from the 2024 Geshema exams. Geshemas and Geshes are the most educated monastics, carrying much of the responsibility for preserving the Tibetan religion and culture.

The Geshema degree enables Tibetan Buddhist nuns to become teachers, leaders, and role models. It makes these dedicated women eligible to assume various leadership roles in their monastic and lay communities reserved for degree holders and previously not open to women.

Thank you to everyone who sent good luck messages to the nuns this year! We gathered the 172 messages and sent them to South India for everyone to read before and during the exams. Here’s a sample message from Sara: “Dear Dharma sisters and sources of inspiration, May your final study be effective and may you have every kind of confidence when you take your final exams. You are setting such an amazing example for all practitioners, but I think especially for women, all around the world.”

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Dolma Ling depart for south India to take their Geshema exams.

Photos of nuns leaving Dolma Ling in June for their Geshema exams in Mundgod, South India. The nuns who took these photos said, “Courage, determination, and faith accompany our nuns on their exam journey.”

We are grateful to the 159 donors to the Geshema Endowment which funds the annual exams including the Pema Chodron Foundation, the Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the Frederick Family Foundation, and the Donaldson Charitable Trust. Thank you also to everyone who sponsors a nun and helps them on their path.

2024 Geshema exams

Collage of photos from the 2024 Geshema exams. In her good luck message, Judith wrote, “I celebrate with all of you as you reach this amazing milestone in your studies. We so need monastics in the world –and especially nuns – who can teach the dharma with depth and insight. Those of us who support you from afar are overjoyed to see your many months of effort and study bear fruit. Wishing you great success in your exams!”

“Educating women is powerful,” said TNP’s Founding Director and Special Advisor Rinchen Khando Choegyal. “It’s about enabling the nuns to be teachers in their own right and to take on leadership roles at a critical time in our nation’s history.”

Thank you for your support and dedication to the Tibetan Buddhist nuns!


Peaceful Portraits: Tibetan Nuns in Focus at Shugsep Nunnery

We are happy to share recent photos by the nuns of daily life at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute and hope they bring you joy.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute in India

Some of the 90 Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute, a nunnery built and completely supported by supporters of the Tibetan Nuns Project.

Shugsep, a Nyingma nunnery re-established in northern India, is now home to 90 Tibetan Buddhist nuns. We are very grateful to everyone who sponsors nuns and hope these photos help show the impact of your support. More sponsors are always needed and the cost is just $1 a day.

Summer Rain Retreat

From late July to early September, the nuns practiced the six-week Summer Rain Retreat, known as Yar Ney in Tibetan (དབྱར་གནས།). This annual retreat dates back 2,600 years to the Buddha and holds profound significance in the monastic calendar.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery 2024

A sacred procession of nuns carrying a Buddha statue and sacred texts. The Summer Rain Retreat is a time of intensive study and practice.

The Buddha instructed monastics to stay in one place during the monsoon rains because travel was difficult and to prevent harm to the many living things that emerge in the rainy season. The Summer Rain Retreat is a time for the monastic sangha to gather, deepen their understanding of the teachings, and uphold the traditions taught by the Buddha.

Puja Summer Rain retreat Shugsep Nunnery and Institute

The nuns at Shugsep carrying sacred scriptures. Unlike Western books, the pages of Tibetan Buddhist texts are long, loose, stacked between two cover boards, and wrapped in protective cloth.

The first day of the retreat begins with a special puja. Special Vinaya vows are taken which the nuns observe throughout the six weeks. Next, accompanied by horns and other sacred musical instruments, the nuns proceed in a single-file procession.

sacred music, Tibetan music

Photos from September 2024 showing the nuns playing sacred Tibetan music during a puja. Left to right, they play the gyaling, a reed instrument, somewhat like an oboe, brass cymbals, and conch shells.

Special pujas also mark the conclusion of the retreat. These sacred rituals have been orally transmitted from teacher to disciple for generations and, thanks to your support, are preserved by the nuns.

Progress on the Shugsep Retreat Center

Work is progressing on the Shugsep Retreat Center but funds are still needed. Retreat is an essential element of Buddhist practice, but without a dedicated space at the nunnery, the nuns are forced to travel to Nepal or the caves at Tso Pemo to go on retreat.

Shugsep Retreat Center Under Construction 2024

The retreat center at Shugsep is under construction though funds are still needed to complete this big project. Fundraising began in 2022.

Shugsep is a Nyingma nunnery that traces its rituals and practice to some of the most illustrious female practitioners in Tibetan history. Fifty-nine senior Shugsep nuns now hold Lopon degrees, the highest degree in the Nyingma tradition, similar to an MA. These senior nuns are the teachers and leaders of the future and need a place to practice retreat to become fully qualified teachers and preservers of their ancient tradition.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns working on Shugsep Retreat Center

The nuns are helping with the construction of the Shugsep Retreat Center.

Funds are still needed to complete this big project! Please donate here.

Winter Robes

In 2024, the Shugsep nuns received 92 sets of winter robes. The nuns send their deep gratitude for the robes which will help them through the cold winter months.

Winter Robes for Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery

Thank you to those who donated to purchase 92 winter robes for the nuns. The presentation of materials for robes is a powerful act of devotion and respect and is believed to have beneficial karmic effects.

None of the nunneries are heated. Shugsep, in the foothills of the Indian Himalayas, gets very cold in winter. The average temperature in January ranges from 50°F (10°C) to 31°F (-0°C). The new robes will be very helpful, especially during prayers because the nuns are not allowed to wear coats or sweaters in the prayer hall as per monastic rules.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute

Thank you to all the sponsors of nuns! More sponsors are always needed.

Preserving Ancient Wisdom Traditions

Many of the senior nuns came from the original Shugsep Nunnery in Tibet. After being expelled from their nunnery by Chinese authorities, they escaped to India to freely practice their religion.

Tibetan Buddhist nun at Shugsep Nunnery and Institute

The nuns in India are preserving Tibet’s ancient teachings and culture. Shugsep Nunnery in Tibet was once home to one of the most famous female teachers, Shugsep Jetsunma.

Every Sunday night, the Shugsep nuns practice a special ritual called Chöd (pronounced chö). It is also known as “The Beggars Offering” or “Cutting Through the Ego.”

Chod Practice Tibetan Buddhist Shugsep Nunnery

A nun hits a large drum during a puja at Shugsep Nunnery.

Chöd, which means “cutting through”, is a spiritual practice that aims at cutting through the hindrances of self-cherishing thought and ignorance. These are the greatest obstacles on the path to enlightenment.

In the Chöd ritual, practitioners visualize symbolically offering their bodies, for the sake of others, as a tantric feast to sentient beings. This is a brave way to exchange oneself for others and develop compassion, and a quick method to realize emptiness.

Tibetan Buddhist nuns carrying mani stones om mani padme hum

Young nuns carrying mani stones with the mantra “Om mani padme hum”. The mani stones are arranged along the new kora or circumambulation pathway where the nuns walk every day..

Your donations to the Tibetan Nuns Project strengthen and preserve Tibetan culture and religion – under great threat due to the occupation of Tibet. By educating and empowering these dedicated women you are creating teachers and leaders of the future. The whole world will benefit. Thank you!